Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

SATU (One) postcard project *English version*

Ok guys, I know I made the video with Indonesian. And somehow my video editor App doesnt want to give the subtitles features because its free (I hate free apps With in-App purchases!)

So then, to make u all know About whats going on in my video. Lets get down to the whole story, lets put my video into written words.

Ok, Lást week I received a postcard from my friend who is in Hungary.
She is also Indonesian and also in this AFS year programme, and more over, just like me here in the Czech Rep, she is also the first Indonesian from AFS programme to go there to Hungary,

Pioneer Single Fighters, as we always said of each other.

Now, I myself, somehow feels inspired that I should also send such a thing like postcard to my friends too. but as usual, this is Muhammad Arkandiptyo, this is the boy who hates mainstream things and always wants to stand out in something different, not always better, but definitely different.

Just sending postcards is too mainstream. Anyone can do it, just buy a postcard, buy a stamp, write and there you are!

So I rethought and rethought what should I do to make my postcard speciál? Well, I cant draw good so I cant Even hope I can make one out of sketches; it may well be that my postcard will only be a cartoon of stickman then.

At the end, I come up With that finál idea.
Print my own photos and make it a postcard.

At first it looks good but its still not so different - I mean, good photographers all around the world can do it, and even those who Even only took selfy photos can do it too as long as there is Computer and Good Printer around the place they visit or they live in.

At the other side of my brain, I also must count of a way so I can get the best out of my limited budget here - well actually I do have some money, but honestly I want to save it until the end of the year so I can get the best out of my planned EuroTrip!

Finally, the inspiration come, one best way through all of these -

It still is based on the original first idea; print my own photographs and send it as post cards, but each person I send, will only get ONE POSTCARD, only ONE TIME throughout this whole ONE YEAR of my stay here in the Czech Rep. (Ok, this one is a financial reason), but to spice things up, here is the big deal -

Each person will get uniquely ONE PHOTO, no photos will be the same! 
And my short letters, will tell About ONE STORY, each people will have a different story written in their postcards - because in each postcard I will write a smáll story behind the photos that I take; why do I send that particular Photo to you? Whats interesting About it? What makes it so special?

And like in the old days when each letter and postcard is so personal and is only send to speciál people in speciál times, well, you cant guess when Im gonna send your postcard! It may happens like this- I know you really want to see a snow or know more About European winter, well, I gonna wait until its winter so I can take a Photo About it! Or perhaps you really are curious about European Football match, well wait until I watch one that is good!

Keep guessing when the letter will come, well, I tell you - it is one thing that brings the feeling of the old times; not knowing when its going to come, just guessing and believing somehow it will come.

I hope through this medium I can also bring a different experience to you - remembering the ages when Internet and Telephone was not there, where faith and belief are your only loyal friends to keep love and longing on track. Something that may be rare in a modern world where everything change so fast, and where the distance of thousands of kilometres can mean nothing.

Lastly, Top it off, at the end of the year I will (hopefully be able to) collect all the postcards, although I know maybe not all will be recollected since its possible that when I come back to Indonesia, some of my friends may already be studying in a University somewhere far away, but I am sure I gonna collect like 80% of them, and from there I can see back through the year, all the little things that makes this one year, really became the year of my life. One story made up of Tiny little things in simple postcards.

So wait fór it!
ONE postcard
ONE person
ONE time
ONE year

ONE Photo
ONE story


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