Senin, 14 Oktober 2013


Sometimes life throws you curveballs in the most unanticipated time possible.

Imagine di hari Minggu yang cerah, dimana lo senang lo udah sober, udah sadar.
Dimana lo seneng lo bisa contact lagi sama yang di Jakarta.
And moreover, karena lo mulai belajar Passos di kelas Dance lo - susah emang, but finally I start to dance like in those reality shows hahaha (masih jauh banget dari Nappy Tabs sih)

But after that you need to think around your brain, jungkat jungkit balík muter otak ketika lo mendengar sebuah vonis.

Ketika gua bertanya soal apakah boleh gua ke Praha untuk solat Id, well, all at home cant answer. Gua ngerti sih, its their first time With such thing like these dan memang mereka juga ga ngerti kan. Wong ateis. Mereka sih support2 aja tapi ujung2nya they ask kantor yang di Praha soal macem begini.

Mungkin karena mereka gak ngerti Dan ngejelasinnya kurang jelas, the answer adalah...

I am not supposed to go there, the priority of the program is school and not other actions.

Jadi begitulah, mereka nurut opini itu Dan gua sampai sekarang belum dapet izin ke Praha.

Ini yang menarik, kenapa disini Ada kata "Action".
Di bahasa Ceko, "Action" adalah "Akce".

Dan biasanya kata itu disebut untuk menyebut event macem pagelaran budaya, konser musik, nonton film, atau semacemnya.
Boleh dibilang kata yang tepat untuk mendefinisikan "Akce" dalam bahasa Inggris bukanlah "Action" tapi "Event" atau kadang2 "Festival"

Masalahnya itu lah bagaimana manusia2 di rumah mendefinisikan Idul Adha, "Islámské Akce", jadi mungkin konotasi yang ditangkep adalah perayaan yang kurang lebih adalah event Budaya.

They are not wrong, because they never know something like these.
Tapi gua gak bisa diem juga.

Dan hebatnya hal itu harus gua sadari di Minggu malem kemarin, padahal Lebaran Háji besok.
So I take things into my own hands, Dan selama nunggu kereta di stasiun setelah kelas Dance sampe kereta itu berhenti di Tremosna, gua muter otak nulis surat langsung kepada para pengurus di Praha...

Until I finalise it, dalam kurun waktu 30 menit, and it sounds more or less something like this.

Dear Monika,

I have heard from my mother your opinion regarding my permit to go to the Islamic rituál in Praha that stated that I should not be supposed to go there because of the baseline of the program in which I must attending my school.

I understand very much the importance of such things, that to keep things right on track should be a priority fór anyone who participate in any kind of program, be it a student exchange, or even simply a working project.

I may have not known if there had been another one before me who asked fór such a permission such as these, but all I know it is the first for the Brotankovi (keluarga gue). And as perhaps she may havent conveyed the right message and information to you, I am taking my liberty to write to you on my own initiative, to explain the importance of such a ritual fór me and fór other Muslims living in the world. From the point of víew of someone who believes on the values it carries. And also to hopefully convince you that it is not a simple "Akce", as my mother always interpret it here, but something of great importance.

This feast, Idul Adha, only comes once a year where we celebrates some kind of sacrifice that dates back for thousand of ages, in which we should remember God the Almighty and also to maintain our good relation in the society in which is symbolized and realized by the massive slaughter of cows and such by the rich and well-offs, and free sharing of it to the poor, accompanied With the prayer.

I know I myself may not be a good Muslim, but I still believe in things like these, in which I myself would feel really guilty if I miss such an occasion. Because I have been through it once, I miss once my Id prayer and it was not intentional, but still there is this kind of guilt I felt. 

The kind of guilt of not being able to fulfill Even your own belief.
here I have time and all the things and facilities available to do this ritual, and therefore I feel like wasting my time to not do it. And so too that I already know how should I get there, where will I do it, and all the things necessary About tomorrow.

The feast will take place tomorrow October 15th.
I already have a plan that I will take the train from Plzeň at 7:08 and get off the train in Praha-Smichov, because I plan to do the prayer With my fellow countrymen in the Indonesian Embassy which is in Nad Budankami II, near Kotlařka.
The prayers will start at 9 and should be finished at About 11.30, and then I can still have enough time to catch the 12.00 train back to Plzeň.

My decision to go to the Indonesian Embassy is merely just because of Practical reasons, because truthfully I would really like to meet other Muslims from other world in Praha, where they will have Idul Adha prayer in Praha-9, while my train will just reach Praha Hlavní Nádraží by 8:45, and that would be too short of time to reach them.

If you would like to compare, most of my Indonesian Muslim friends who also go fór AFS program this year, be it in USA or other countries, they also plan to go to the prayer that day in their respective places, Which may be hours away from their home too, but we are willing to do it, because we believe on its importance, and they also are granted permit by their families, their school and the local DOS coordinating them.

So I hope that you may be convinced that not only it is of a great importance fór me, but also that I already plan in advance the best choices fór me in which it is to not waste time or give loopholes of excuse to visit Praha or to skupina school, that I am fully committed fór this ritual.

Thank you fór your attention and consideration.
Yours sincerely

Semoga cukup convincing.
Ya, Allah kan Maha Penyayang lagi Maha Sabar....

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